Our Mission
The mission of the Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless is to serve the immediate needs of the homeless and the near homeless. We strive to empower people with the tools to transition to safe, affordable and permanent housing. We are charged with advocating for people to achieve housing equity and participate in the larger community.

Our Values
We empower people with tools and support to transition to safe, affordable, permanent housing so that they can live healthy, productive lives.
We believe everyone deserves safe, affordable housing and should be an active part of their community.
We treat everyone with dignity and respect.
We teach people to self-advocate and empower them to become self-sufficient.
We actively build a community of support and compassion in partnership with the community, volunteers, and other agencies committed to advancing the interests of homeless and near-homeless people.
It’s important to heighten public awareness and understanding of the gravity and depth of the problem of homelessness and its root causes. We work to enhance the larger community’s sensitivity to the plight of homeless people through education and training. We know that for many individuals and families, there is no quick fix. But we are in it for the long haul, and continue to work for long-lasting solutions to the underlying causes of homelessness while meeting the immediate needs of households in crisis.