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Catherine Morales, Senior Case Manager
Email -
Phone - (908) 355 - 2060 ext. 301
Ana Hernandez, Case Manager
Email –
Phone – (908) 355-2060 ext. 303
Rosemary Guerrero, Case Manager
Email –
Phone – (908) 355-2060 ext. 305
Annet Baldwin, Case Manager
Email –
Phone – (908) 355-2060 ext. 302
Hopeless. Frustrated. Scared.
That’s how it feels to be homeless or on the brink of losing your apartment. It’s an all-consuming situation: everything takes a back seat when you are faced with homelessness. Productive lives deteriorate: jobs are lost, education sacrificed, children’s needs overlooked and relationships suffer.
A safe, secure shelter lets households focus on jobs, school, and relationships without the stress of where they will sleep or how they will eat.
Our case managers stabilize the household’s housing first and then work to improve the longer-term chances for success. Without stable housing, there is no way a household can be successful.
Need Emergency Shelter or Rental Assistance – Apply Now
The Advocacy Office provides:
- BACK RENT ASSISTANCE: Are you at risk of losing your housing, because you weren’t able to pay your rent last month? Have you been served with an eviction notice or notice to quit? With the goal of preventing homelessness, community members may qualify for rental assistance to pay off backed rent. Financial assistance is granted depending on funding availability, and residency requirements.
- FIRST MONTH’S RENT ASSISTANCE: Do you need help paying first month’s rent so that you can move into a new home? If you are literally homeless and have located a new place, but need help getting in the door, we may be able to help! Financial assistance is granted depending on funding availability, and residency requirements.
- EMERGENCY SHELTER: Are you a Union County resident with nowhere to sleep tonight? We may be able to help by providing temporary/short term emergency shelter at a local motel, or we may be able to refer you for other services. Financial assistance is granted depending on funding availability, and residency requirements.
- OTHER SERVICES: If you need assistance with utilities, furniture, groceries, or if you need referrals for other services, we may be able to help. Financial assistance is granted depending on funding availability, and residency requirements.
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